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Some ideas to play Libellud games during April.

During this quarantine period, it's not easy to find some entertainment.

However, in the two last weeks, we gave you some examples of activities you could do. The articles are here or there.

In April, we're back with other ways of playing Libellud games.

Idea 09:
Playing on Board Game Arena.

Several Libellud games are available to play online on the website Board Game Arena.
This user-friendly free website - you may support it by subscribing to premium account - offers a large choice of online board games. Regarding Libellud games, you can play Seasons and all its expansions as well as Dice Forge.
You may even find games nowadays out of stock such as Lords of Xidit andNautilus.

Moreover, for fans of Dice Forge, a little mouse told me that an online event with some surprises might occur... It's worth to watch...

Idea 10:
Playing on la Boîte à jeux

La Boîte à Jeux is another free website proposing online turn by turn boardgames.
You can find a version of Dixit to play with family or friends.

Idea 11:
Playing thanks to Asmodee.

Our distributor proposes a "confinement pack" with a great selection of games you may freely download to print and then play them.
Soon, there might be additional games for this pack... 😉 So do not hesitate to regularly have a look on it as it will be often evolved... 😉
On Asmodee Digital side, you may find applications of great games to download. This is for example the case for Mysterium.

Idea 12:
Playing home.

Some of you are lucky enough to be quarantine with enough boardgames and people to play.
Here is an alternative set up for Dice Forge and its Rebellion extension.
You can find more of our proposals in the resources section on the Dice Forge page of our website.

Get ready for what's next...

We're also working on what will happen next to the confinement.
In France, we're working on a new season of Dice Forge tournaments.

And we look also forward to meet you on big shows still planned later in the year! 🙂

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