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The Recreational Activities Book n°7

A new week, a new recreational activities book :-).

Please find the book n°7:

WEEK 27 Recreational activities book 7

And don't forget :

WEEK 26 Recreational activities book 6

Super Recreational Activities Book - June

You can find the answer here.

You can find the other book here (for a limited time).

WEEK 24 Recreational activities book 5

WEEK 23 Recreational activities book 4

WEEK 22 Recreational activities book 3

WEEK 21 Recreational activities book 2

WEEK 20 Recreational activities book 1

Good luck and have fun 🙂

Answers of the book n° 6

Game 1: 3

Game 2: 3

Game 3: the living room

Game 4: obscurio/mysterium/shadows-amsterdam/seasons

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